less than 1 minute read

3x3 Eyes Volume 01 Geneon has re-released a classic series from the early 1990s on DVD; read how well the first half of 3X3 Eyes has held up over a decade later. Add your thoughts in the AoD forum.


Man, they were really lazy on the re-release. They even kept the Pioneer logo!

Back in the days we old timers call the "Golden Age of Anime", 3X3 Eyes was a title I was always interested in picking up but never quite had the ramen money to spare for it.

If you mean the Streamline days, it wouldn't have mattered anyway, since they never finished it. If you mean the Geneon days, that one was overpriced, so I don't blame you.

Anyway, I loved it when I was younger, but that fourth episode always annoyed me; and it's even worse when I'm older, since it drags on too long. I disagree that it comes off rushed, since it seems to have just the right pacing until ep. 4. But the art hasn't aged well.

You're lucky that there is a second series, though, since that's only because of the Japanese fanbase; that doesn't always happen.

Also, if you liked this title, you might want to look into Blue Seed and the first Cat Girl Nuku Nuku OVA. (You might have to E-bay the latter title, though...)

Luis Cruz on


Man, they were really lazy on the re-release. They even kept the Pioneer logo!

Yeah, but I wasn't expecting them to overhaul the title when they are simply splitting up the previous box/brick version.

I disagree that it comes off rushed, since it seems to have just the right pacing until ep. 4.

By rushed, I mean they hit the ground running and never give the characters a chance to develop beyond the surface they present. Pai arrives; Yakumo "dies". From there, it's one battle after another without learning much about our heroes or the people they meet.

Too many spots where you think "Gee, I bet the manga goes into more detail about this person, event, etc."