My new project is super weird!
Decided to break down and pick up a copy of Urusei Yatsura: Endless Summer
from NCSX and use it as a tool to immerse myself in studying Japanese. My first task is to translate the bulk of the
manual so I can figure out what I am supposed to be doing.
For now, I am stumbling along in the game mostly getting Ataru slapped around. The graphics are great, and the music is beyond my expectations and features some vocal tracks. I have not been keeping up with my Japanese language studies, and my vocabulary shows it. Hopefully, this will keep me motivated to keep studying. Though, taking an hour to translate two paragraphs proves to be tiring and frustrating. But, it is for my own good.
Random thought… if an old and popular series like Urusei Yatsura can get a DS game, why isn’t there one for Lupin the Third? The touch screen lends itself to any number of thieving type puzzles. Why has there been no handheld Lupin game since the Gameboy? Talk amongst yourselves…