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Episode 08 A small time mafia Don hires Golgo 13 to take down the New York Don trying to muscle in on his territory. The odds are stacked against him – bulletproof glass, a trio of assassins, and an accurate analyzation of his techniques. As soon as the glass went up on the Don’s high rise apartment, I knew how Golgo 13 would win; it was the same setup used in the first anime film decades ago. It maybe fresh to new converts of Duke’s exploits, but it made for an uninteresting story for me to sit through. Haven’t given up on the series yet, but the long wait has made me realize that this is a series best served in small doses. There’s just not that many interesting things you can do without a larger plot thread.

1 comment

Daniel Zelter on
As soon as the glass went up on the Don's high rise apartment, I knew how Golgo 13 would win; it was the same setup used in the first anime film decades ago. It maybe fresh to new converts of Duke's exploits, but it made for an uninteresting story for me to sit through.

The movie's technically based on different stories within the manga series, so I'm guessing the episodes of the show are directly based on those stories.