Reflections: Reviewing Evangelion
I am finally starting a project I have been meaning to do for some time. Over time, I’ve blogged in various places –
LiveJournal, the forums, etc. Now that I have my own permanent blogging space, I’ve wanted to pull all
those posts and place them under this one location. I’ll post them under their original dates and times, but occasionally,
I’ll bubble up ones under a "Reflections" post, either as a full repost or just linking to them.
First up is an experimental series of posts I made while reviewing the Evangelion box set. Titled "Reviewing the Sacred Bull", it was an attempt to shed light on how I reviewed titles by putting my thoughts to pixels rather than paper.
Sadly, I didn’t manage to save the comment threads that went with these posts as the site migrated and moved over time; however, I will be posting the original comment threads for other migrated entries where available.
So, here you go, a look into the past…